abigail breslin

I’m Abigail Breslin AMA!

I’m an actress, singer, songwriter, life coach, blogger, baker, christmas aficionado, and a starbucks connoisseur. You may also know me as the Sloth Queen. I was in Little Miss Sunshine, The Call, Zombieland, August: Osage County and many more…
Ask me about music, sloths, relationships, sloths, television, movies, Dwight Shrute, Kelly Kapoor, christmas, baking, kale juice, singing, songwriting, blogging, filming, or anything else that comes to mind.
You check me out on IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1113550/
Follow me on twitter! http://www.twitter.com/yoabbaabba

To what factors do you contribute your (apparent) transition from child star to stable, non-psychotic adult star?

Probably my parents and friends. I may be stable, but no one ever said i was non-psychotic.

How much fun was it to work on Zombieland?What was Bill Murray like?

It was super fun! Bill Murray had all the chill

When was the last time you watched Little Miss Sunshine?

When I was 16 and I was shocked by how many things I didn’t understand while I was little.

Are there roles or subjects that you’d like to play/try?

I would love to do a period piece.

What are your favorite movies?

Girl Interrupted, The Breakfast Club, A Christmas Carol.

They’ve recently announced a zombieland 2. Would you be down to come back?

I’d be down.

Do you remember much from making the movie Signs?

I don’t remember much besides me being in a bizarre obsession with polly pockets at the time.

If you could only pick one to be your real life mom out of Rachel Weisz, Isla Fisher, and Elizabeth Banks who would it be?

Isla Fisher because I’ve worked with her a couple of times, so she probably knows me the best, and would mother me accordingly.

Are you really a super freak?

Depends on the time of day, and barometric pressure.

What has been the best experience of your life so far?

Meeting a sloth in London!

Who would better defend you against zombies Arnold or Emma?

the 2 of them together would be an unstoppable pair

What was it like to work with Meryl Streep? What is SHE like?

She is the coolest person in the world and totally normal. But flawless she is bae.

What would your actual last meal consist of?

my last meal would be tons of cupcakes and eggnog lattes

which productions had the best food? what was the weirdest dietary habits of co-stars, directors, etc… that you’ve come across?

Production with the best food was, Raising Hellen. Tyler Shields, who is one of my best friends and directed the movie Final Girl, only eats things he can pour A1 sauce on.

What’s it like being a famous teenager? Do you ever wish for the life of a “normal” teenager?

Most of my life is pretty normal. When I’m not working I’m just watching christmas movies tbh.

As an actor what draws you to a role?

If the person is somebody that I would like to know in real life.

What do you think you’d be doing today if you weren’t an Actress?

Breeding sloths.

Would you rather be in a leading role with your dream co-star or dream director?

dream director

What was your favorite role as an actor so far and why?

Probably the last movie I did, Maggie. It was the most emotionally challenging part I have had yet.

Is there a character type that you have not had the opportunity to play and wish to?

I really want to play a bitch.

If you were to vacation anywhere, where would you vacation, and with who?

i would vacation with a baby sloth to alaska.

Do you ever read the gossip sites to see if you pop up?

nah just gives too much unnecessary anxiety. i’m more focused on what my friends/family/cats and dogs think of me.

Do you see yourself continuing to act? Or do you plan on taking a break at any point to focus on something else or to just chill?

I plan on continuing to act, but I am also recording an album. Also I am taking lots of time to chill at night. 🙂

What projects are you working on right now?

Recording my album at the moment.